Saturday, July 18, 2009

The one with the trashy family

So my sister Wendy's birthday party was last weekend, and the theme was white trash! Mummy was sick, and Annie is too classy so the celebratin' was left to the trashiest part of the family.  Dad, Wen and myself.  Dar and Lo are pretty trashy too, so they couldn't resist putting on their fancy t-shirts and making an appearance as well.

David Kim thought the theme was western.  We're too trashy to care.

Timmy provided the smoothies...

Richard provided the meats...

And Wen and I provided the trashy hotness.

Dar, Lo and David get the party going with some sweet dance moves.  

More dancing...  Check out the look Omar(the dog) is giving Lo.  This is about 30 seconds before he walked up and sniffed her butt.  Lo swears he bit her.

  Being asian.

All in all, it was the trashiest party ever!!  Hope you feel better Mom and stay classy Annabelle!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The one with Avada Kedavra!

It arrived!  Our night of destiny!!  Darren, Lauren, Rachel and I went to the Arclight to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!  It is the 6th book/movie in the series and it was probably the most exciting 2 hours and 45 minutes I ever experienced!!!  (worst 2 hours... Transformers 2.)  We like to think of it as "the sexual climax of our summer of destiny" (Darren's words)  With glasses, lightning scars and wands at the ready we laughed, sighed, gasped, wept... and mostly giggled like wee school girls.  

                                                      Darren shows off his lightning scar.

Lo and I retrieve memories to put into the pensieve.  Lo's memory looks to be a most troubling one.
                                      Performing the unforgivable curses upon each other.

Lo endures the cruciatus.  Looking back, I'm not sure how her body can contort like that... I think I might have actually performed the spell.

   Rachel judges us.  She's in Slytherin.

And so another unfathomably awesome HP experience came and went.   There are two movies left.   I shall bring a vial of poisoned oak-matured mead to the last movie and drink it as the credits roll as I will have nothing left to live for and can then die to the Harry Potter theme music.  Avada Kedavra!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The one with the graduate

I received my diploma in the mail the other day!  I am officially a college graduate!  They had to send it to me 'cause I took the option of NOT going to my own graduation.  Instead, I went up to Davis with Lo to celebrate David DeFrank's cooler, more impressive graduation from law school AND business school.   
I'm not sure if I was supposed to tell anyone from CSUN that I wasn't going to walk in the ceremony, but since I didn't, I like to think that they called my name and then there was a big, awkward silence where nothing happened.  Hopefully everyone was looking around, wondering at my absence and contemplating the reason for my complete disregard of the sanctity of csun's pomp and circumstance.  While I have NO regrets missing this, I DO kinda wish I could have driven by at that moment and yelled "Screw you, CSUN!" just in case my absence didn't scream it loud enough.

Here's Winky looking very proud of me.  I know you can't really tell, but take my word for it.  That's her proud face.

The one with the pregnant friend

Hey! This is our blog! Hope you check it frequently because it will continually blow your mind... and here's a picture of my pregnant and awesome friend Molly...

So stay tuned for more awesomeness, pregnant Molly and otherwise...

...and remember Molz... nagging works!