Another Ro Show, another sartorial surprise. Of ALL the places you can find girls in fishnet stockings, lead singers in tight circus pants and top hats, and someone playing the handbells in a tight circus freak tee, this one's the BEST! And this particular show that we went to a couple Saturdays ago was especially special because it was apparently official cousin night!

Michelle and Darren's cousin Dennis, who lives in NoHo, joined us for circus freak/cousin night!

And mine and Wen's cousin, Pat, along with his girlfriend Genevieve, just can't stay away from the Ro Show!!

Wen, Pat and I mug for the camera. As all Piatt's are extraordinarily good-looking and photogenic, we cannot help ourselves.

Pat's always been jealous of how pretty I am, and tries to even out the playing field. Unfortunately for him, my left eye is my best feature. Plot foiled!

Pat and his friends THINK they're really fancy and came in a limo...

But WE know that nowadays, parking far away and walking is the REALLY fancy and elegant thing to do. "We've.. got.. elegance. If you ain't.. got.. elegance. You can never ever carry!.. it off!" (10 points and a personalized blog entry to anyone who gets the reference.)