Monday, November 23, 2009

The one with all the cousins

Another Ro Show, another sartorial surprise. Of ALL the places you can find girls in fishnet stockings, lead singers in tight circus pants and top hats, and someone playing the handbells in a tight circus freak tee, this one's the BEST! And this particular show that we went to a couple Saturdays ago was especially special because it was apparently official cousin night!

Michelle and Darren's cousin Dennis, who lives in NoHo, joined us for circus freak/cousin night!
And mine and Wen's cousin, Pat, along with his girlfriend Genevieve, just can't stay away from the Ro Show!!
Wen, Pat and I mug for the camera. As all Piatt's are extraordinarily good-looking and photogenic, we cannot help ourselves.
Pat's always been jealous of how pretty I am, and tries to even out the playing field. Unfortunately for him, my left eye is my best feature. Plot foiled!

Pat and his friends THINK they're really fancy and came in a limo...
But WE know that nowadays, parking far away and walking is the REALLY fancy and elegant thing to do. "We've.. got.. elegance. If you ain't.. got.. elegance. You can never ever carry!.. it off!" (10 points and a personalized blog entry to anyone who gets the reference.)

Monday, November 9, 2009

The one where I forgot the drummer's name.

In all my VIPness and looking down my nose at people who weren't, I unforgivably looked over the fact that the drummer I cut out of the picture has a name and that name is "Rich." Sorry Rich. You are an integral cog in the Poet machine. And an excellent IHOP waiter.

The one where Megan is cooler than I am

So... it's official. I am no longer qualified to be Megan's friend as she has surpassed us all in her cool and hotness factor. Megan plays viola in a hip hop band that performed in Orange County last Friday and they officially stole the show. No argument. Sorry The Dream. Keep Dreaming. And MUCH to the excitement of all the screaming fans, I sang in the choir for the last number! It was an AWESOME night! With all access backstage passes and VIP passes to the after party at a crazy club, I realized two things:

#1 - I was meant to be a VIP. It just comes naturally to me to look down my nose at people who don't have bracelets and passes that get them into ANYWHERE.
#2 - Clubbing IS my scene! I can't wait to go again!... (And by go again, I mean like in a couple months maybe, 'cause I'm actually still pretty tired even though it was two days ago. My feet still hurt and my ears are still ringing too. I mean, would it kill them to play the music just a little quieter?)

Though Megan is way more awesome and has diamonds on her face, I am pretty much super famous now. Darren now has to call my assistant if he wants to talk to me. I haven't found an assistant for free yet, so really I haven't let him talk to me this whole weekend.

Megan spends some time with the little people.

I try to at least look sexy like Megan. It didn't work out either. She's just better than me at everything!!

I'm pretty sure she knows it too. Below she scoffs at my inferiority.
I'm pretty sure her cat thinks it's cooler than me, too. Fine Rupert. You win. You always do.
(And yes. This IS an awesome picture of her cat. I know it. The cat knows it. My camera knows it. I think I really caught the essence of its evilness.)

Back to the show. Nate and I were STARVING and so naturally we tried to eat each other. That's show biz, baby. It is definitely a tough life us celebrities lead.
Then our hunger turns violent. Or this may have been after Nate found out that I had already eaten half of a cheeseburger before commiserating with him about being hungry. Sorry Nate. The burger and fries were cold leftovers of somebody else's so I don't think it really counted.

Poet's band. I'm pretty sure I accidentally cut the drummer out of the top left behind Poet. Unintentional, but if I had moved any farther over, I would have been standing in front of the ACTUAL photographer. Sorry drummer.

Pre-concert toast with VIP wine and dixie cups. That's how we used to do it at Biola.
And then Luke drinks right out of the bottle. Soooo not classy. Declasse.